
Bolivia Methadone Treatment: available Methadone is available on the Bolivian pharmaceutical market (trade name = “METASEDIN”). It can be prescribed by licensed doctors on a special prescription (receta valorado) and will be dispensed by pharmacies as takeaway medication. Methadone patients are strongly advised to carry with them a letter in Spanish from their home prescriber […]

Bosnia and Herzegovina,

Bosnia and Herzegovina Methadone Treatment: available Methadone treatment is available in Sarajevo and some major towns. For further information contact Dr. Mehic-Basara (see contact details below). Buprenorphine Treatment:  not available Importation of Methadone/Burprenorphine: possible Travellers are strongly advised to have with them a letter from their home prescriber (attested by a local health authority!) detailing […]


Botswana Methadone Treatment: not available Buprenorphine Treatment: theoretically possible, almost impossible to arrange Though any medical officer or doctor can prescribe buprenorphine, the question remains whether pharmacies can provide the medication. If buprenorphine is not in stock it must be ordered from abroad. Importation of Methadone or other Prescribed Narcotics: possible Foreign travellers are allowed […]


Brazil Methadone Treatment: not available Theoretically, it would be possible for foreign travellers to receive methadone treatment on a temporary basis. But application and approval procedures appear to be time- and energy-consuming – an unending bureaucratic hurdle race. To obtain further information we recommend intending travellers to contact the Brazilian Ministry of Health (Ministerio da […]


Brunei Darussalam* Opioid Substitution Treatments: not available Importation of Methadone and Other Opioids: strictly prohibited! It is strictly forbidden to bring opioids into Brunei, including cough mixtures containing codeine. Importation and use of these medicines will be punished with prison sentences! Contact Address: any Bruneian diplomatic mission Any comments and additional information greatly appreciated. Please […]


Bulgaria Opioid Substitution Treatments: available  Foreign patients can receive treatment for up to one month. Treatment fees vary depending on dosage and possible checkups. Continued dosing might sometimes not be possible due to a shortage of medication. Therefore, patients are strongly advised to contact a treatment service well in advance of their planned journey. Importation […]

Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso Opioid Substitution Treatments: not available National and/or regional hospitals could continue with the treatment of foreign methadone patients. Since methadone is not available on the local pharmaceutical market the quantity of the substance needed for the period of stay would have to be imported by the Ministry of Health – one has to […]


 Bangladesh Methadone Treatment: not available Importation of Methadone: prohibited Contact Address: The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Bangladesh Secretariat Dhaka Bangladesh Phone: +880 2863639 Fax: +880 2869077 (This page last revised January 15, 1998)  


 Barbados Opioid Substitution Treatment: not available Importation of Methadone/Buprenorphine/Morphine: possible Patients have to carry with them a letter from their prescribing doctor/clinic together with a certificate issued by the health authorities of the country of residence. Any comments and additional information greatly appreciated. Please address all correspondence to: Ralf Gerlach INDRO e.V. Bremer Platz 18-20 […]

Basic Recommendations

Some Basic Recommendations Regarding the Planning of Travels With Opioids Used in Substitution Treatment a) Early contacts We should like to point out that the information contained in this guide is only to be regarded as a guideline. Authoritative statements on current legal provisions can only be issued by the embassies and government agencies of […]