

Methadone Treatment: available

Methadone is available on the Bolivian pharmaceutical market (trade name = “METASEDIN”). It can be prescribed by licensed doctors on a special prescription
(receta valorado) and will be dispensed by pharmacies as takeaway medication. Methadone patients are strongly advised to carry with them a letter in Spanish from their home prescriber to present to a local GP.

Importation of Methadone: import regulations could not be clarified

Therefore, travellers wishing to bring methadone into Bolivia for personal use as medication are strongly advised to contact a Bolivian diplomatic mission well in
advance of their intended journey.

Contact Address: any Bolivian embassy or consulate or

Ministério de Desarrollo Humano
Secretaria Nacional de Salud
Subsecretario de Salud
Casilla 3116
La Paz
Phone: +591 2 370296
Fax: +591 2 391590