Solomon Islands

 Solomon Islands Methadone/Buprenorphine Treatment: not available Importation of Methadone or Buprenorphine: possible Travellers wishing to bring methadone or buprenorphine into the Solomon Islands for personal use as medication must carry with them a letter from their prescribing doctor or clinic clearly stating that the patient requires methadone/buprenorphine for the treatment of a medical condition. Contact […]


 Somalia Methadone Treatment: not available Importation of Methadone: import regulations could not be clarified Therefore, travellers wishing to bring methadone into Somalia for personal use as medication are strongly advised to contact a Somali embassy or consulate well in advance of their intended journey. Contact Address: any Somali diplomatic mission      

São Tomé and Principe

 São Tomé and Principe Methadone Treatment: not available Importation of Methadone: import regulations could not be clarified Therefore, travellers wishing to bring methadone into São Tomé and Principe for personal use as medication are strongly advised to contact a diplomatic mission of São Tomé and Principe well in advance of the intended journey. Contact Address: […]

Travel regulations for methadone patients visiting South Africa

 South Africa Methadone/Buprenorphine Treatment: available Methadone (Physeptone®) and buprenorphine can be prescribed to foreign travellers by doctors and clinics operated by the South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (SANCA). A list of SANCA clinics is accessible via the SANCA web site. Continued dosing should be arranged by doctor-to-doctor contact well in advance […]


 Spain Opioid Substitution Treatments: available Opioid substitution treatments are provided on a large scale. A patient’s home prescriber can get in touch with a treatment center directly. Contact details of most substitution treatment services are available on the web site of the Plan Nacional Sobre Drogas (select the region in question, “comunidad autonomica”, and treatment […]

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Methadone/Buprenorphine Treatment: ??? On April 19, 2011 we contacted the Ministry of Health of Sri Lanka requesting information on whether continued treatment/dosing is possible. As soon as we have received a response we will present up-to-date info on this page. Importation of Methadone/Buprenorphine: possible Foreign methadone/buprenorphine patients are allowed to bring their own […]

St Vincent and the Grenadines

 St Vincent and the Grenadines Opioid Substitution Treatment: not available There are neither opioid substitution treatment centres nor any doctors providing regular methadone or buprenorphine treatments. Though buprenorphine is currently available, preparations used in substitution treatment (e.g. Subutex, Suboxone) are not. A license can be obtained from the Ministry of Health for the importation of […]


Serbia Methadone Treatment: available in some cities Though methadone treatment is provided in some cities continued treatment/dosing of foreign patients is not (yet) possible. As is the case with local applicants foreigners will be put on a waiting list. There is a waiting period of at least four months. Therefore, we strongly advise travellers to […]


Seychelles Unfortunately we have received no information from the relevant authorities. Contact Address: any Seychelles diplomatic mission or Ministry of Health Acting Permanent Secretary Fax: +248 225416