
 Liberia Opioid Substitution Treatments: not available Importation of Methadone and Other Opioids: prohibited Contact Address: any diplomatic mission of Liberia Any comments and additional information greatly appreciated. Please address all correspondence to: Ralf Gerlach INDRO e.V. Bremer Platz 18-20 48155 Münster Germany Phone: +49 251-60123 or +49 2571-582765 Fax: +49 251-666580 Email (This page last revised […]


Italy Methadone/Buprenorphine Treatment: available Methadone/buprenorphine treatment is available from some 600 drug dependence treatment units (servizio tossicodipendenze – Ser.T.) and general practitioners. Foreign patients are supposed to carry a letter from their methadone/buprenorphine prescriber stating the dose and identification details. Sometimes it might happen that a clinic or GP would not be prepared to respect […]


Japan* Substitution Treatments for Travellers: not available Importation of Opioids: possible – except for methadone! Travellers must apply for an import licence from the Ministry of Health. NOTE: It is prohibited to import or export methadone in case patients are prescribedmethadone for treating substance use disorders (= patients participating in medically assisted treatment of addiction)! Application Guidance: CLICK […]


 Kazakhstan Methadone Treatment: not available to foreign patients Currently there are three methadone pilot prgrammes operating in Kazakhstan. To our experience foreign patients will not be accepted for continued dosing. Buprenorphine Treatment: not available Importation of Methadone/Buprenorphine: prohibited Conatct Address: any Kazakh diplomatic mission  (This page last revised and updated January 20, 2012)  


Kenya* Opioid Substitution Treatments for Travellers: not available Importation of Methadone and Other Opioids: possible Travellers must carry with them a letter from their prescribing GP/clinic and a copy of the original prescription. These documents should be presented at Customs. Contact Address: any Kenyan diplomatic mission Any comments and additional information greatly appreciated. Please address […]


 Kiribati There are no laid-down regulations re the importation of methadone. Whether the continuation of methadone treatment is possible must be clarified in each individual case. For further info please contact Dr. Kautu Tenaua. Contact Address: Dr. Kautu Tenaua Director of Hospital Services Ministry of Health, Family Planning and Social Welfare P.O. Box 268 Bikenibeu […]

Hong Kong

Hong Kong* Since summer 1997 Hong Kong is a special administration region of the People’s Republic of China.  Methadone/Buprenorphine (?) Treatment: available There are several substitution treatment centers in Hong Kong all of which accept foreign patients for temporary continued dosing. Though not necessarily required, we advise the patient’s home prescriber to contact a clinic […]


Hungary* Methadone and Buprenorphine Treatment: available Methadone and buprenorphine treatments are available in some major cities. Unfortunately, we cannot provide up-to-date contact details of treatment services (such details would be welcome!). Importation of Methadone and Other Opioids: possible For information on travel regulations click HERE.  For contact details of the Narcotic Department click HERE. Any comments […]


 Iceland Opioid Substitution Treatments: available Foreign travellers will be accepted for temporary dosing/treatment. Unfortunately, we do not have any up-to-date contact details of treatment facilities. Importation of Methadone/Buprenorphine/Morphine: possible While travellers from Schengen countries are permitted to bring into Iceland a quantity of 30 daily doses, travellers from non-Schengen countries may bring only 14 daily […]