Methadone Treatment: available in some parts of Mexico Buprenorphine (Subutex, Suboxone) Treatment: not available
Currently methadone treatment is available in a few cities only. The clinics have specialized in addiction medicine using methadone and they are operated by Profesionales Contra la Adiccion (PCA) and/or Asistencia Media Contra la Adiccion (AMCA). Temporary patients as well as permanent transfers are welcome. All have bi-lingual (English/Spanish) personnel. Primary care and treatment for other drug and alcohol problems is also available. Each clinic also has an associated pharmacy. Unfortunately, we can not provide any information on fees for treatment and medication. We strongly advise to contact a clinic some 3 to 4 weeks in advance of an intended journey. Contact details of the clinics are available on the web. Visit this web site and click on “Como Contactamos”.
Importation of Methadone/Buprenorphine: possible
We do know for sure that bringing a reasonable quantity of methadone or buprenorphine for personal use into Mexico is not prohibited. However, we have not had any official statement from a Mexican authority on the import regulations currently effective. Over the past six years we have advised patients to carry with them a letter/note from their prescribing physician/clinic (apart from the usual personal and medical data to be given, something like “the medication the patient carries has been legally prescribed for treatment purposes. Confiscating/not taking the medication will cause a life-threatening condition” should be added). The letter should contain no diagnosis/indication – “drug addiction” should be avoided). The medications should be appropriately labelled and should be kept in the original containers provided by a pharmacist, physician or clinic.
Though our experience so far indicates that it works this way we cannot make any guarantees that it always works this way. Until we cannot provide an unequivocal ruling we recommend patients or their doctors to contact a Mexican embassy or consulate for further and up-to-date information, since we want patients participating in drug substitution programs to travel safely and comfortable.
Any comments and additional information greatly appreciated.
Please address all correspondence to:
Ralf Gerlach
Bremer Platz 18-20
48155 Münster
Phone: +49 251-60123 or +49 (0)2571-582765
Fax: +49 251-666580
(This page last updated March 31, 2008)