
Turkey* Continued Opioid Treatment for Travellers: difficult/nearly impossible to arrange Contact details of treatment centres would greatly be welcome! Importation of Methadone and Other Opioids: possible Methadone: The maximum quantity allowed to be brought into Turkey = 15 daily doses. Morphine und Buprenorphine: Maximum daily doses = 30 Requirements: – Travellers must carry with them […]


 Tuvalu Unfortunately we have received no information from the relevant authorities. Contact Address: any Tuvaluan diplomatic mission or Department of Foreign Affairs Office of the Prime Minister Funafuti Tuvalu Phone: +688 20843 Fax: +688 20839      


 Uganda Methadone Treatment: not available Importation of Methadone: import regulations could not be clarified Therefore, travellers wishing to bring methadone into Uganda for personal use as medication are strongly advised to contact a Ugandan embassy or consulate well in advance of their intended journey. Contact Address: any Ugandan diplomatic mission or The Permanent Secretary Ministry […]


Ukraine* Opioid Treatments for Travellers: possible (?) In view of war time there appear to be gaps in supplies. Currently, we have no contact details of treatment services.  Importation of Methadone and Other Opioids: possible Current import regulations for personal use and contact details of competent authorities available at: CLICK Contact Address: any diplomatic mission of […]

United Arab Emirates

 United Arab Emirates* Opioid Substitution Treatments: not available Importation of Methadone/Buprenorphine/Codeine/Morphine: possible Bringing methadone, buprenorphine, morphine or codeine into the United Arab Emirates is possible. However, travelers must apply for an import permit.  Regulations currently effective Online Application We would greatly appreciate travelers to report on their experiences. Any comments and additional information greatly appreciated. […]


 Tajikistan Methadone Treatment: not available Importation of Methadone: prohibited Contact Address: Alamchon Achmedov Minister of Health Ministry of Health Schewtschenk Street 69 734025 Dushanbe Phone: +7 3772 213064        


 Tanzania Opioid Substitution Treatment: not available for travellers Importation of Methadone/Buprenorphine/Morphine: possible Foreign travellers are permitted to bring 30 daily doses of methadone or buprenorphine into Tanzania for personal use as medication. They must carry with them a copy of the original prescription and a letter from their prescribing doctor/clinic clearly stating that the quantity of […]


Thailand Methadone Treatment: available There are methadone treatment centres in Thailand. Unfortunately we can only give the contact details of a dispensing unit in Bangkok (Therefore, Thai methadone treatment units or patients are requested to provide their contact details): Bangkok Hospital Medical Center Fon: ++66-2-755 1362-3 Fax.: ++66-2-755 1364 Email: info@bangkokhospital.com Web: www.bangkokhospital.com Buprenorphine Treatment:  […]


 Togo Opioid Substitution Treatment: not available Importation of Methadone/Buprenorphine/Morphine: possible Travellers are allowed to bring 7 (!) daily doses of methadone/buprenorphine/morphine into Togo for personal use as medication. They must carry with them a copy of the original prescription and a doctor’s letter. Contact Address: any Togolese embassy or consulate Any comments and additional information greatly […]