
Greece Methadone/Buprenorphine Treatment: available Currently (January 2016), there are 59 opioid substitution treatment units operating in Greece, 11 of which provide methadone treatment. Methadone is only available in units in Athens and Thessaloniki (Salonica). Buprenorphine is available in Athens, Thessaloniki (Salonica), Patras, Alexandroupolis, Veroia, Volos, Kavala, Katerini, the island of Corfu, Komotini, Larissa, Preveza, Agrinio, […]


 Grenada Unfortunately we have received no information from the relevant authorities. Contact Address: any Grenadian diplomatic mission   (This page last revised June 22, 1998)  


 Guatemala   Continued Opioid Substitution Treatment: not possible Importation of methadone, buprenorphine, morphine: possible Travellers intending to bring methadone, buprenorphine, morphine or other medically prescribed opioids into Guatemala have to carry with them a certification (in English or Spanish) from the patient’s home prescriber clearly stating that the patient needs the medication and that it […]


 Guinea-Bissau Methadone Treatment: not available Importation of Methadone: possible Travellers wishing to bring methadone into Guinea-Bissau for personal use as medication must apply for an import permit at the Ministry of Health of Guinea-Bissau. Therefore, we strongly advise to contact a Guinea-Bissau diplomatic mission well in advance of the intended journey. Contact Address: any Guinea-Bissau […]


 Guyana Unfortunately we have received no information from the relevant authorities. Contact Address: any Guyanese diplomatic mission or Ministry of Health International Affairs Division Brickdam Georgetown Guyana Phone: +592 271316 Fax: +592 256985     (This page last revised February 2, 1999)  


Haiti Opioid Substitution Treatment: not available Importation of Methadone/Buprenorphine/Morphine: possible It is allowed to bring into Haiti 30 daily doses of methadone, buprenorphine or morphine provided travellers carry with them a valid medical prescription. We strongly advise to also carry a doctor’s letter. Contact Address: any Haitian diplomatic mission Any comments and additional information greatly […]


Honduras Methadone Treatment: not available Importation of Methadone: possible Travellers wishing to bring methadone into Honduras for personal use as medication must carry with them a letter from their doctor in Spanish stating identification data and detailing the daily dose, the total quantity of methadone, and the dates of arrival in and departure from Honduras. […]


 Fiji Methadone Treatment: only very small daily methadone dosages available The maximum quantity of methadone which can be prescribed for an approved drug dependent patient is 150mg (one hundred and fifty milligrams) per week!!! Methadone is available in 5mg tablets only. There is no oral solution available. Case-by-case arrangements can be made for short stay […]


Finland Methadone/Buprenorphine Treatment: available Buprenorphine Treatment:  currently no info available Importation of Methadone/Buprenorphine/Codeine/Morphine: possible Foreign methadone/buprenorphine patients are allowed to bring their own supply of medication needed for personal use for the duration of stay on condition that they carry a certificate from their home physician or clinic (including quantity of methadone/buprenorphine, daily dosage, dates […]