

Continued Opioid Treatment for Travellers: available

The patient’s home clinic or GP should contact the drug coordinator (“Drogenkoordinator”) of the state his/her patient intends to visit in Austria at least two weeks in advance
of the expected date of the patient’s arrival.  The drug coordinators will be of assistance in finding an appropriate local prescriber (see contact details below).

Importation of Methadone and Other Opioids: possible

Travellers are strongly advised to have with them a copy of the original prescription and a
letter from their home prescriber detailing the patient’s personal data and clearly stating that the quantity of the medication imported has been prescribed for personal use (specimen form). It is important to stress, that residents from one of the EU signatory countries of the Schengen Implementing Convention, Article 75 should carry with them a “Certification to carry drugs and/or psychotropic substances for treatment purposes – Schengen Implementing Convention, Article 75” form when travelling to Austria.

Contact Address: any diplomatic mission of Austria

Contact details of drug coordinators in Vienna and federal Austrian states: CLICK

Contact details of other services assisting with finding suitable prescribers: CLICK

Any comments and additional information greatly appreciated.
Please address all correspondence to:

Ralf Gerlach
Bremer Platz 18-20
48155 Münster
Phone: +49 251-60123
Fax: +49 251-666580


* No responsibility is accepted by INDRO for the correctness of the information provided on this page.

(This page last revised and updated July 24, 2024)