Methadone Treatment: available
Currently methadone is only available at several treatment centers in Bucharest. For contact details visit the web site of the Romanian Harm Reduction Network (RHRN) or
contact the RHRN by email (see contact details below).
Importation of Methadone and other Opioids: possible
Travellers wishing to bring methadone or other opioids into Romania for personal use as medication must either carry with them a “Schengen form” (when living in one of the Schengen signatory countries) or a doctor’s letter confirmed by a local health authority in the country of residence. The maximum dose to be brought in for personal use is a quantity of 30 daily doses.
Contact Addresses: any Romanian embassy or consulate
Romanian Harm Reduction Network (RHRN)
Phone: +40 213107120
Any comments and additional information greatly appreciated.
Please address all correspondence to:
Ralf Gerlach
Bremer Platz 18-20
D-48155 Münster
Phone: +49 251-60123 or +49 2571-582765
Fax: +49 251-666580
(This page last updated January 28, 2015)