New Caledonia

New Caledonia*

New Caledonia is a French overseas territory in the southwest Pacific Ocean. Travellers from Europe please note: The Schengen Agreement is not effective.

Opioid Substitution Treatment: not clarified

If required, we advise to contact the Health Directorate
of New Caledonia (see contact address below).

Importation of Opioids: possible

It is allowed to bring into New Caledonia prescribed opioids for personal use in a quantity of up to 30 daily doses, provided travellers carry with them
a letter from their prescribing doctor/clinic certified by the public health department at their home town/city.
For a specimen certificate click HERE . In addition to the certification travellers also have to carry with them a copy of the original medical prescription.

Contact Address:

Direction des Affaires Sanitaires et Sociales
Service de Santé Publique
7 Avenue Paul Doumer
B.P. M2
98849 Noumea cedex
Phone: ++687 243700
Fax: ++687 243733

Please let us know any corrections to be made or any other useful information:

Internationale Koordinations- und
Informationsstelle für Auslandsreisen
von Substitutionspatienten
c/o INDRO e.V.
Bremer Platz 18-20
D-48155 Münster
Phone: +49 (0)251-60123
Fax: +49 (0)251-666580

* INDRO e.V. can’t make any guarantees for the correctness of the information given.

(This page last updated December 24, 2023)