

Methadone/Buprenorphine Treatment:
not available

Importation of Methadone:

Importation of Buprenorphine: possible

Travellers are not allowed to bring methadone into Japan!
Regarding buprenorphine there is no need to apply for an import license but visitors should carry with them a letter from their prescribing clinic or GP which clearly states that the medication has been prescribed legally and that it is for personal use only. The maximum quantity of buprenorphine that can be brought in without contacting the Japanese authorities is a supply sufficient for one month. For further info contact the Compliance and Narcotics Division or visit their web site (see contact details below).

 Contact Address: any Japanese diplomatic mission or

and Narcotics Division
Pharmaceutical and Medical Safety Bureau
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
1-2-2 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 100-8916
Phone: +81-3-5253-1111, (ext. 2784)
Fax : +81-3-3501-0034
Email: www-admin@mhlw.go.jp
URL: http://www.mhlw.go.jp/english/topics/import/index.html

(Info last updated February 14, 2014)